Thursday, February 2, 2012

First Blog Post EVER!

Right off the bat, I am warning you that I write the way I talk - not a lot of complete sentences, sometimes random streams of consiousness where only I will know part of the story or thought process and you will be left wondering how I got from doing the dishes to a Dirty Dancing song.  But hopefully that will be part of the charm and keep you interested enough to keep coming back. 

I just hit the preview button to see how this is looking so far, and already it appears that the font will likely make you batty over time - so I have to change that.  I like the colors though, and have a stock picture for now...I'll have to look for something personal and original.  Don't mind me - I'll be tinkering with this for a while.  I get bored easily, and tend to change things around often - makes me feel like I have some control where in many places of my life I feel like I don't.  That's why I always said my hair has been every color - because that I CAN change and it's just hair - it will grow back or can be colored back to whatever it was...if anyone can remember!

So...I'm a twice divorced mom of 2 boys.  I birthed each husband a boy to carry on their family name, and they each gave me a son to treasure always!  The oldest is 18 now, off at college - very far away.  Which I guess is one of the goals of college - get out and don't look back!  The other is 10 and my last one, the baby, if you will.  Of course at 10 you are still dependent on parents for everything from underwear to rides to Game Stop for a new Pokemon game.  But he's also very independent.  I can't ask him if he needs help on anything...not homework, not a project, not on the computer, not with tying his shoes (which somehow are always untied even if he just tied them - and I see him tie them!), nothing.  And he's a good kid - both boys are good kids.  If the only trouble I've had so far from the 18 year old is the worst it gets - I'm so very thankful.  And the 10 year old, while a bit high spirited (they call it ADHD), has a heart of gold.  So, at home it's just me and the 10 year old until summer.  It's taken some time to adjust to The Big One being gone - more for the JMan (10 year old) than me, overall.  But we are getting along just fine.  The Big One calls all the time, we skype and text often.  For Chirstmas The Big One made a Build a Bear for the JMan, and put a recording in it that says "Hey Buddy, you're the best brother ever!".  It's a puppy (JMan's favorite) and we play it often. 

Some background in this first post and then I think I will post just about life.  Everytime something happens, someone (mostly my grandmother and mom) would say that I should be writing this stuff down.  I never think anyone would be interested in it, but when I tell my friends, they always say it could only happen to me, even though I'm quite sure there are other moms out there going through it too.  So, in part to get it written down, and in part to let other moms know they aren't alone - I present to you PLEASE PASS THE WINE.

I'm 43 at this moment, and if it were up to me, I would stop here.  I think 44 is going to be harder than any other number.  Just something about that double 4 is creeping me out - very ominous, 4 is not a lucky number for me.  I work full time, in an office, M-F, 8-4:30.  I have a small home business that isn't making any money because I spend too much to get the projects done because it's what I love to do and I feel bad charging people what it actually costs PLUS my time to do it.  I also do some charity work that is a joy for me as well. 
I've tried dating...several times...doesn't seem to be working of late, I'll get into that... 
I live in the town I grew up in.  This is both good and bad.  Good in that I am rarely worried about my kids at people's houses, or somewhere I'm not with them.  The bad of course, is that everyone know's everything about you and still tease about that time in HS when...  You see, most of the people I grew up with are still here too.  Not many people leave, and if they do, they come back to raise their kids, or take care of their parents and then stay's a pretty good town as towns go, and to be honest, I couldn't imagine living anywhere else for the time being.

My first ex lived up the street for many years, he's since remarried, had another baby and moved back to his hometown in another state, over 2 hours away (1 down).  My second ex lives up the street as well.  We do pretty good - seem to always be on the same page as far as parenting the JMan goes - and we've actually been able to call on each other in case of emergencies. 

Not sure how long a blog should be before you lose interest...but my life is pretty cool, complicated and sometimes over the top.  With 2 ex husbands, 2 boys, a career, family, friends and the things that seem to happen at the strangest times - I hope to make you laugh and touch a spot that makes you think "if she can do it, so can I". 

It's only Thursday of a very long week - here's to Friday!!  Please Pass the Wine! xo

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